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Pupil Leadership

Head Pupils 

Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership is a big part of school life and we have a thorough selection and recruitment process at the beginning of the academic year.  

Every child in school has a part to play to ensure that our school day runs efficiently.  Leadership roles are divided into two parts:

 School Council

What does the school council do at our school?

  • We meet every few weeks as a group with Ms. Farrell or Miss Morgan to discuss current school issues. 
  • We represent our class and give all pupils a voice.
  • We help with the interview process when appointing Head Pupils at our school.
  • We help with the interview process when appointing new staff for our school.
  • We hold circle times in our own classes to raise and discuss issues.
  • We help with evidence trails that other adults around school may be doing.
  • We gather ideas from our class and complete surveys when needed.
  • We feedback to our classes after every meeting to inform them of what was discussed and how their opinions were shared with other members of the School Council. 

Classroom Leadership

Classroom leaders play a very important role in supporting the Class Teacher to ensure things run smoothly and efficiently on a daily basis.  Pupils are appointed to various roles in school including:


Milk and Fruit Leaders:  responsible for preparing and distributing milk and/or fruit so that their fellow pupils receive a healthy snack on arrival and are ready to learn.


ICT Leaders:  responsible for organising, distributing and safely storing electronic equipment in accordance with timetabled sessions.


Class Library Leaders:  responsible for organising the class library and ensuring all books, magazines and newspapers are maintained to a high standard to support reading for learning and pleasure.


Subject Leaders: (for example, Art and Science):  responsible for assisting the the Class Teacher in preparing and organising equipment and resources for practical "hands on" learning in the classroom.

Whole School Leadership (identifiable by coloured lanyards and name badges)


Proud Pupils can apply for a variety of roles through school including:


  • Head pupils
  • Worship Leaders 
  • School Council
  • Play Leaders and Well-Being Leaders  

Play Leaders

Each year our KS2 pupils are trained to become Playground Leaders. They receive training to lead younger pupils in structured, fun games at lunchtime. Their leadership roles in school have a huge impact with better behaviour at lunchtimes because pupils are actively engaged in activities.  

The Playground Leaders are taught life skills such as communication, fair play and organising groups/teams which go a long way in raising their confidence and self esteem.

Well-Being Leaders

Every year, we have a fantastic team of Leaders. Their role is to be a friend to everybody in need,  helping to sort out minor disagreements and arguments between children and to involve them in meaningful play.

They are on duty on the playground every lunchtime.  

Sport Leaders’ Award

This award aims to help pupils develop leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to build confidence and self-esteem as they take on the responsibility of leading their peers and younger children.

This award is led by qualified coaches from Pennine Sports Partnership.