01484 226 595

Part of Enhance Academy Trust Encourage - Help - Achieve - Nurture

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Local Governing Body

Our Chair of Governors is Mr Julian Kennett he can be contacted c/o Christ Church CE Academy, Deighton Road, Deighton, Huddersfield, HD2 1JP, by telephone at 01484 226595 and/or e-mail


Pen Portraits - Get to know our Governors.



Ms. Becky Price

As a Trust Governor at Christ Church CE Academy, I am proud to be part of a team dedicated to ensuring the very best outcomes for our children. Alongside my governance role, I serve as Deputy Headteacher at Diamond Wood Community Academy, also within Enhance Academy Trust. With 12 years of teaching experience, I remain deeply passionate about providing every child with the education they need and deserve.

Beyond my school leadership role, I work as a Literacy Specialist with the Jerry Clay English Hub, supporting schools in strengthening their phonics instruction to drive whole school improvement. I am also committed to mentoring early career teachers (ECTs), offering guidance and training to help them thrive in their profession.

I firmly believe that strong collaboration between schools and communities is key to success, and I am dedicated to serving and supporting Christ Church CE Academy in every way possible.