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School Uniform Policy

When our children wear school uniform and PE kit, it portrays a very positive image of Christ Church CE Academy, particularly when the children visit other schools or take part in activities across Kirklees. 

Not only do the children look smart in their school uniform, reinforcing the high standards we have in school, but the fact that all the children are wearing exactly the same garments for PE ensures that no child is targeted or finds themselves in a vulnerable situation in respect of any peer pressure or ‘competition’ with regard to ‘branded’ clothing or football shirts. 

Here at Christ Church CE Academy, our aim is to keep uniform plain, simple and affordable for our families. 

Embroidered polo shirts, jumpers and cardigans are optional and these can be ordered through our school office at a discounted price.  Alternatively non-embroidered items are available at our local supermarket stores including Asda, Sainsbury's and Tesco.

We also have a uniform store in school where we have an abundance of donated items, laundered and pressed ready to wear.  Alternatively, families can access Huddersfield's Uniform Exchange based at Railway Sawmills in Lockwood.


Christ Church CE Academy uniform consists of:

School Uniform

  • dark blue sweatshirt/cardigan
  • light blue polo shirt/shirt
  • dark grey/black trousers or dark grey/black shorts (no jogging bottoms)
  • dark grey/black skirts or dark grey/black pinafore dresses (no leggings)
  • blue gingham dresses
  • plain black shoes or trainers (no white or coloured stripes/flashes)
  • plain socks or tights in accordance with the uniform colour scheme (black, grey, dark/light blue, white)
  • all these items should be labelled to ensure any lost items can be returned

PE Kit

  • trainers/non-slip pumps
  • plain dark shorts
  • plain white round necked T-shirt or polo shirt
  • dark jogging bottoms and tracksuit top for outdoor sport in colder weather
  • no jewellery must be worn
  • all these items should be labeled to ensure any lost items can be returned


Children who do not wear full school uniform and PE kit on a daily/weekly basis will not be fulfilling the non-negotiable targets as part of their ‘Proud Pupil’ status.  This will impact greatly upon the rewards, roles and responsibilities open to them as a Proud Pupils. 

Towards the end of each term, if you wish to order embroidered items at a discounted price, you are able to order school uniform from our supplier (Term Time Wear) directly through school. Letters and forms are sent home with information on how to do this. If you would like to buy embroidered school items in between the dates of the direct school orders please contact Term Time Wear on 01484 453534.

To help with the selection and purchase of footwear for school we have an online brochure of school approved shoes from Wynsors World of Shoes. The local Wynsors store is at 2b Castlemore Retail Park, Beck Road, Huddersfield, HD1 5DG and the online brochure can be viewed on the following link:

We would ask that parents use their discretion, dressing their children appropriately in practical garments which are appropriate to the season. We ask that all garments have clear name labels. Please can you also ensure that you send your child with an appropriate coat and footwear particularly on rainy or cold days. In snowy weather, please provide wellington/walking boots. In sunny weather, please put sun cream on your child and ensure they wear a sun hat.

For health and safety reasons, no jewellery may be worn in school with the exception of wristwatches and small stud earrings, which must be removed during physical education and swimming lessons. It would be helpful if your child left their earrings at home on P.E. and swimming days. In the event that your child has recently had their ears pierced and cannot remove their earrings, we ask that you send in written notification that you are responsible and give us permission to put plasters over the earrings during the lesson.

Long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons. Thank you for your continued support in this matter.