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Your Health and Well-being

Here at Christ Church CE Academy we care very much about your health and well-being and how this can help you to further support your children at home.




Kirklees Keep in Mind is a mental health support team (MHST) designed to help meet the mental health needs of children and young people in primary and secondary education. We provide mental health support across a number of schools in Kirklees providing extra capacity for early intervention and support for mild to moderate mental health issues.
Our service aim is for people living healthier, happier lives and feeling more able to look after themselves. We support adults 18 years+
on a one-to-one basis to develop personally tailored health and wellbeing goals. We can support with:
Healthy Weight
Carer's Support
Mental Health
Moving More 
Good nutrition during pregnancy and in early childhood helps prepare for healthy adulthood and can reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease and some cancers. If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.