How is SEND identified in school?
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Within every classroom quality first teaching is used to ensure that all children are able to engage with the curriculum effectively and make progress. This means that the teacher has high expectations of the children and through effective marking and assessment they are able to use a range of strategies to build on a child’s existing knowledge and understanding. Personalised, differentiated learning is essential to meet the needs of every child.
Special Educational Needs may be identified through:
- Progress against Early Learning Goals and Age Related Expectations.
- Regular monitoring and tracking of progress.
- Pupil Progress Meetings
- Informal Assessment.
- Information from parents/carers.
- Information and assessments from other professionals.
- Standardised assessments and specific assessments related to the learning need.
- Observations of the child in different settings and their response to change.
- Teacher and/or parent/carer concerns reported.
Where a child is identified as not making expected progress, we incorporate a graduated approach response following the model of assess- plan- do- review to identify outcomes and provision that will support learning and accelerate progress.
Assess- The needs of the child are assessed drawing upon background information, school data and external assessments.
Plan- Outcomes, support and provision are agreed for the child. These will be recorded on a provision map or a My Support Plan.
Do- The plan is implemented and this is monitored and assessed by the class teacher.
Review- The views of all parties are shared and the impact of the plan is assessed and revised.
The child and their family are central to this process and each stage will involve collaboration with the child and their parents/carers.
Formal meetings led by the SENDCO are held termly.