How does the school work with parents and external services?
It is important that parents work closely with the school in order for the pupil to achieve their learning potential. Parents are responsible for communicating effectively with schools and specialist services in order to support their child’s education. Parents will be invited to attend termly meetings to discuss their child’s progress. These meetings will give parents the chance to discuss the current provision in place for their child.
Specialist Services
Christ Church Academy works in partnership with many different services.
Some of the outside agencies that we work closely with:
- Kirklees Special Educational Needs and Commissioning Team (SENACT)
- Locala- school nursing team
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Educational Psychologists (EPs)
- Children's Therapy Services
- Kirklees Specialist Provision Outreach Service
- Kirklees Keep in Mind