How does the school meet the needs of disabled pupils?
The curriculum will seek to promote the learning of all pupils regardless of disability, so that they can fulfil their potential and be prepared for the opportunities of adult life
Teaching methods will be adapted to support the learning of pupils will disabilities
Teaching materials will be adapted as far as possible to meet the needs of disabled pupils
The achievement of disabled pupils will be monitored and action will be taken if disparities arise
Identification of a disability
- Opportunities for disclosure - open evenings, induction meetings and Special Educational Needs reviews
- Initial learning assessment on entry to the academy whenever that is
- Staff training to raise awareness
- Good lines of communication between teaching staff and support staff
- Involvement of external agencies when appropriate, eg. Local Authority Services, Ed psych, health services, social services, social worker, behaviour support team, Child Mental Health Services
- Good links with feeder schools, including regular liaison with SENCOs
Provision for pupils includes:
- In class support to meet pupil need
- Scribing
- Reading
- Mobility support
- Personal care
- Support at lunchtime, break times and breakfast club
- One to one support
- Loan of equipment as required
- Access to specialist software
- Small group teaching
- Examination arrangements
- Modified resources
- Specialised teaching resources
- Pastoral Support
This is not an exhaustive list as the school will always consider adaptation and modification based on pupil need and in light of annual monitoring data.
The School will admit pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) where school is named on the plan. Provision for these pupils will be specific to the needs of the pupil and detailed in the plan.
For further information please read the Accessibility Plan and the Disability and Equality Policy.
Links to these can be found on the SEND home page.